Casting Call — The Government Inspector

To express interest in auditioning, send your CV and headshot to by Sat 15th of August.

Auditions will be held on Sat 26th and Sun 27th of August.

Due to time constraints, we will be unable to offer all interested actors an audition slot. 

Actors are to prepare:

  1. One of the attached scenes (see audition pack), and
  2. A monologue of your own choosing, that demonstrates – in conjunction with the other monologue – your range and strengths. 

Actors are encouraged to use broad Australian accents, or their own natural speaking voices. 

On request, a copy of our version of the script can be made available to you.

Another version, under the alternate title of The Inspector-General, can be accessed for free from Project Gutenberg here

If there is a particular character that appeals to you, please let us know.

The audition pack can be found here.